The Beatty Senior Center provides a location for seniors to gather to have fun, companionship and healthy lunches. You can find information through the Beatty Senior Center about health care services, food delivery, special programs and transportation for shopping.
Beatty Senior Center is managed by the 501c3 nonprofit, Beatty Seniors Inc. Our mission is to provide quality nutritious meals and positive social activities for the senior citizens of Beatty, Nevada. This focus is on the elderly from the age of fifty plus years.
You are welcome to come and join us for activities or you can even share a special talent. We would like to invite you to join Beatty Community Senior Center. This is a place for people of all ages. We welcome student's third grade through 12th anytime. We will be hosting special fundraisers throughout the year. HOPE TO SEE YOU safely there.
We are so glad to provide healthy choices for your nutritional needs. You can pay daily or you can purchase a lunch punch ticket.
Our hours are 9 am to 2 pm Monday-Friday.
Meals will be served from 1 1:30-12:30 you are invited to come earlier or stay later. The cost for: Bowl of Soup & Salad $3.00 60 + Meal/soup/salad $4.00 8-17yrs Meal/soup/salad $4.00 18-59 Meal/soup/salad $6.00.
We are following the COVID mandates for Nevada
We have reservation dine-in, home delivery, or carry out. Call to make arrangements for your meal needs.
Beatty Seniors Inc. also hosts the Beatty Thrift Store. Currently we are open 10-2pm weather permitting.
The Beatty Senior Center Center is operated by Beatty Seniors Inc.
150 A Ave S
PO Box 435
Beatty, NV 89003
Aging and Disability Services Division in the State of Nevada, Department of Health and Human Services, represents Nevadan's age 60 years and older. The mission of the Division of Aging Services is to develop. coordinate and deliver a comprehensive support service system in order for Nevada Senior Citizens to lead independent, meaningful and dignified lives.
AARP keeps you updated on the news that affects the lives of seniors.